Saturday, February 11, 2023

DEXTER (2006 - 2013)

Based on the series of novels by: Jeff Lindsay
Starring: Jim Abele, Don Abernathy, Lucas Adams, Ademola, Josue Aguirre, Vanessa Alameda, Chad Allen, Josh Allen, Steven Lee Allen, Cristina Allica, Frankie J. Allison, Brooks Almy, Angela Alvarado, Henree Alyse, Tony Amendola, Charlene Amoia, Matthew R. Anderson, June Angela, Marina Anderson, Whitney Anderson, Ethan Andrew, Gino Aquino, Wing Armstrong, Rene Ashton, Lili Asvar, Scott Atkinson, Mark Atteberry, Nadege August, Richard Augustine, Sherman Augustus, TJ Austin, Jack Axelrod, Bernardo Badillo, Philippe Badreau, Dave Baez, Preston Bailey, Mary-Bonner Baker, Jonathan Banks, David Banuelos, Camila Banus, Eric Banzon, Monique Barajas, Adrienne Barbeau, Danielle Barbosa, Christine Barger, Hunter Ray Barker, Tanya R. Barnes, Kayla Barr Hengami, John Bartlebaugh, Jason Bartley, Derek Basco, Jill Basey, Brandon Michael Bass, David Batiste, Jim Beaver, Roxanne Beckford, Lacey Beeman, Ingrid Beer, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Bob Bencomo, Douglas Bennett, Louise Bennett, Melinda Bennett, Mark Bensi, Julie Benz, Joseph Bertot, Angela Bettis, Andrew Bilgore, James Moses Black, Cory Blevins, Peggy Blow, Matt Borlenghi, Jesse Borrego, Patrick Bradford, Bart Braverman, Garrett Brawith, Adalia Braydon, Sarah Grant Brendecke, Billy Joe Brewer III, Ashanna Bri, Kevin Brief, Cori Bright, Michael Raif Brizzolara, Bill Brochtrup, Austin Brook, John Brotherton, Billy Brown, Erika Brown, Romeo Brown, Jillian Bruno, Ellen Bry, Patrick Michael Buckley, Scott Buckley, Kevin Buitrago, Angela Bullock, Jeff Bullock, Shannon Marie Bullock, Dan Buran, Petrea Burchard, Carlease Burke, Jernard Burks, Olivia Burnette, David Vincent Burns, Jacquelyn Burns, Adrian Bustamante, Lauren Byrnes, Santiago Cabrera, Kurt Caceres, J.R. Cacia, Gino Cafarelli, Gary Calamar, Wilmer Calderon, Jessica Camacho, Christian Camargo, Jonathan Camp, Julia Campbell, Scott Michael Campbell, Victor Campos, Luna Rocio Cantale, Juan Carlos Cantu, Andrew Caple-Shaw, Jessica Carlos, Caitlin Carmichael, Charles Carpenter, Jennifer Carpenter, Brad Carr, Keith Carradine, Debbie Lee Carrington, Lizette Carrion, Deborah Carson, Ben Carter, Cheryl Carter, Kathleen Mary Carthy, A.J. Castro, Tonita Castro, Lisa Catara, Darnell J. Cates, Daniel Cerone, Ricardo Chacon, Tyson Chambers, Andi Chapman, April Chappell, Brent Chase, Jeff Chase, Erick Chavarria, Maree Cheatham, David Chisum, Dave Chittick, Lee Christian, Ryan Christiansen, Jennifer Christopher, Kathy Christopherson, Roma Chugani, Devereau Chumrau, John Ciccolini, Jacob Clarke, Mike Cochrane, Rhys Coiro, Ralph Cole Jr, Tony Colitti, Mennette Colon, Liza Colon-Zayas, Gina Comparetto, Steve Conrad, Josh Cooke, Heather Cooney, Gabriel Cordell, Len Cordova, Kody Corduan, Celestino Cornielle, Amy Correa Bell, Nico Cortez, Jennifer Courtney, Christina Cox, Ronny Cox, Kelsey Crane, Frank Crim, Parker Cristan, Cristos, Denise Crosby, Valerie Cruz, Suzanne Cryer, Monique Gabriela Curnen, John D'Aquino, Doby Daenger, R.F. Daley, Bertila Damas, Michael Dane, Erin Daniels, Patrika Darbo, Christopher Darga, Lisa Darr, Kristin Dattilo, Josh Daugherty, Stephanie Ann Davies, Kyle Davis, Sean Christopher Davis, Onika Day, Jennifer DeFilippo, Germaine De Leon, Marco De Luca, Jeffrey De Serrano, Kim Delgado, Robert Della Cerra, Alex Demir, Jillian Difusco, Valerie Dillman, Julie Dolan, Dheeaba Donghrer, M.J. Dougherty, Joshua Dov, J. Downing, Denver Dowridge, Bill Doyle, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Derek DuChesne, Hayley DuMond, Jullian Dulce Vida, Alex Duong, Cedric Duplechain, Michael Durrell, Steve Eastin, Brando Eaton, Jennifer Echols, Jen Eldridge, Greg Ellis, Julie Ann Emery, Mike Erwin, Michael Ray Escamilla, Michelle Espinoza, J.R. Esposito, Kim Estes, Matthew Fahey, Julia Farsadi, Sommer Fehmel, Rafael Feldman, Eddie J. Fernandez, Angelo Fierro, Don Fischer, Sean Patrick Flanery, Cesar Flores, Marcus Folmar, Norma Fontana, Courtney Ford, David Carey Foster, Vince Foster, Darcy Fowers, Mike Foy, David Fraioli, Dana Frances, Tom Frank, Dee Freeman, Miranda Frigon, Christopher Frontiero, Stephen Gabriel, Max Gail, Michael Gambino, Anastasia Ganias, Mark Gantt, Aimee Garcia, Elena Maria Garcia, Juan Garcia, Minerva Garcia, Monica Garcia, Sergio Garcia, Alexa Gardner, Stephanie Garrett, Christine Garver, Natalie Garza, Nicole Garza, Brian Gattas, Bashir Gavriel, Jason Gedrick, Britt George, Eric George, Matt Gerald, George Gerdes, Meredith Giangrande, Blake Gibbons, Nicholas Gibeault, Todd Giebenhain, Richard Gilliland, Clark Gilmer, Enver Gjokaj, Gunnar Goldberg, Daniel Goldman, Tony Goldwyn, Marc Gomes, Jaime Gomez, Nick Gomez, Ruben Roberto Gomez, Anderson Goncalves, Christopher Goodman, Eli Goodman, Rob Goodman, Maya Goodwin, Japheth Gordon, Keith Gordon, Yvonne Gougelet, Jadin Gould, Derek Graf, Beth Grant, Brea Grant, Katie Grant, Devon Graye, John Griffin, S.A. Griffin, Scott Grimes, Demetrius Grosse, Leslie Grossman, Eileen Grubba, Brad Grunberg, Richard Gunn, Annabelle Gurwitch, Jack Guzman, Martha Hackett, Kent Hagan, Ty Haile, Wendy Haines, Anna Hale, David Haley, Ace Antonio Hall, Michael C. Hall, Marisa Hamamoto, Colin Hanks, Jim Hanks, Adam J. Harrington, Desmond Harrington, Andy Scott Harris, Darwin Harris, Greg Hashimoto, Shawn Hatosy, Ben Hausbach, Andrew Hawkes, Amber Hay, Ashli Haynes, Kelley Hazen, Gina Hecht, Lyn Alicia Henderson, Brad William Henke, Ann Henson, Karl Herlinger, Nick Hermz, Angel Luis Hernandez, April Hernandez Castillo, Roger Hewlett, Nathan Hill, Tyler Hill, Christine Hitt, Bruce Holman, Alexandra Hoover, De' Leon Howard III, Jelly Howie, Jimena Hoyos, Cooper Huckabee, Maxwell Huckabee, Kelly Huddleston, Jesse "Jet Set" Hudson, Justin Huen, Calvin Hughes, Del Hunter-White, Michael Hyatt, Alex Hyde-White, Erica Ibsen, Karim Imam, James Ingersoll, Darri Ingolfsson, Neil Ironfield, Lance Irwin, Jay Jackson, Milauna Jackson, Nick Jaine, Brooklynne James, Colton James, Chad Jamian, Dominic Janes, Marc John Jefferies, Renneker Jenkins, Benton Jennings, Carla Jimenez, Adam Johnson, Bjorn Johnson, Kenny Johnson, Asante Jones, John Marshall Jones, Erik Joseph, Lisa Kaminir, Bo Kane, Justin Kane, Mary Alyce Kania, Dream Kasestatad, Danny Kashper, Jason Kaufman, Paul Keeley, Eddie Kehler, Rod Keller, James Martin Kelly, Ken-Ali, Kaleigh Kennedy, David Dustin Kenyon, Kristen Kerr, Mike Kersey, Tara Ketterer, Jonathan Khan, Rya Kihlstedt, Brandon Killham, Erik King, Hunter King, Vincent King, Kelli Kirkland, Sage Kirkpatrick, Andrew Kirsanov, Mariana Klaveno, Aramis Knight, Frederick Koehler, Niko Koshet, Casey Kramer, Gary Kraus, Chris Krauser, Susanne Kreitman Taylor, Kristina Krofft, Evan George Kruntchev, Luke Andrew Kruntchev, Stefan Kumor, Halszka Wanda Lea Kuza, Nicole LaLiberte, Patrick Labyorteaux, Eric Ladin, Alicia Lagano, Julie Lancaster, Teddy Lane Jr, Kimberly Langley, Coleman Lannum, Steve Lantz, Suzanne Lanza, Liza Lapira, Asanio Lara, Anzu Lawson, Jeff Leaf, C.S. Lee, Waymond Lee, Wendy Lee, German Legarreta, Leila Leigh, David Lengel, Bethany Joy Lenz, Karen Levine, Alex Lewis, Bubba Lewis, Lauren Rose Lewis, Daniel Licht, Jon Licht, Paul Lieber, Adam Lieberman, Jenny Lin, Carlos Linares, Jeff Lindsay, Marc Linsalata, John Lithgow, Annie Little, John Littlefield, Ariel Llinas, Jason Lockhart, Giovanni Lopes, Wayne Lopez, Mercedes Lopez Renard, Jasmine Lowe, Bryan Lugo, Jayden Lund, Pamela Lundquist, Jean Lupien, Kyle Lupo, Erica Luttrell, Angelina Lyubomirova, Iseluleko Ma'at El 0, Scott MacDonald, J.C. MacKenzie, James MacPherson, Marc Macaulay, Peter Macon, Tim Maculan, Dora Madison, Roma Maffia, Anna Maganini, Natalina Maggio, Nikki Magnusson, Ky Mahone, Mercy Malick, Patrick Y. Malone, Robert Mammana, Kortney Manns, Ludwig Manukian, Mary Mara, Laura Marano, Vanessa Marano, Terry Maratos, Mario Marcelino, Morgan H. Margolis, P.J. Marino, Skye P. Marshall, Eddy Martin, Rudolf Martin, Margo Martindale, Evelina Martinez, Brittany Mason, Christopher Mason, Destiny Mason, Connor Matheus, Grant Mathis, Mark Matkevich, Dakin Matthews, Clayton Mattingly, Eve Mauro, Lauren C. Mayhew, Nick McCallum, Silvia McClure, Maggie McCollester, Noli McCool, Aaron McCusker, John C. McDonnell, Michael Patrick McGill, Alden McKay, Julie McKinnon, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Jane McLean Guerra, Don McManus, Heather McPhaul, Priscilla Medina, Sandra Medina, Mariano "Big Dawg" Mendoza, Ana Mercedes, Troy Metcalf, Jim Metzler, Karina Michel, Kathrin Middleton, Dale Midkiff, Andrew Elvis Miller, Jeanette Miller, Jonny Lee Miller, Kristen Miller, Rolando Millet, Judson Mills, Dianna Miranda, Paula Miranda, Roman Mitichyan, Diane Mizota, Katherine Moennig, Ashton Moio, Rolando Molina, David Monahan, Luis Moncada, Geno Monteiro, Gino Montesinos, Elsa Morales Myers, Tabitha Morella, Gina Morelli, Carlos Moreno Jr, Molly Morgan, Scott Michael Morgan, D. David Morin, Brandon Morris, George Morris Jr, Clifford Morts, Mos Def, Burl Moseley, Maureen Muldoon, William Mulligan, Renier Murillo, Brooklyn Murphy, Jaime Murray, Chris Muto, Heidi Brook Myers, Rubi Myers, Miguel Najera, Jeff Nathan, Neeona Neal, Adrian Neil, Aryn Nelson, Sexton Newby, Christine Nguyen, Leyna Nguyen, Jeremy Nichols, Costa Nicolas, Kathleen Noone, Eric Normington, Nikki Novak, Tom Nowicki, Sean O'Bryan, Jerry O'Donnell, John O'Leary, Margarita O'Quendo, Brian Oblak, Fred Ochs, Jason Manuel Olazabal, Carmen Olivares, Edward James Olmos, Heather Olt, Nina Onuora, Angel Oquendo, Joe Ordaz, Sarah Ospina, Mary Ostrow, Jeremy Overstreet, Albert Owens, David Paetkau, Vincent Pagano, Esther Paik, Greg Joung Paik, Clint J. Palmer, Taso Papadakis, Martin Papazian, Molly Parker, Ana Tuazon Parsons, Laura Patalano, Kavita Patil, Craig Patton, Vince Pavia, Chris Payne Gilbert, Mark Pellegrino, J. Rene Pena, Charles Perez, Amanda Perry, Elisa Perry, Christie Pesicka, Rick Peters, Marisa Petroro, Rachelle Pettinato, Nicole Pettis, Jenny Phagan, Avery Phillips, Josh Phillips, Jay Pickett, Wiley M. Pickett, Donna Pieroni, Geoff Pierson, Amy Pietz, Keith Pillow, Neto DePaula Pimenta, Devanny Pinn, Glenn Plummer, Mike Poli, Niko Posey, Audrey Povar, Lewis T. Powell, Olivia Presley, Nicole Preston, Steve Price, Tiffany Pulvino, Anthony Tyler Quinn, Rudy Quintanilla, Kenny Quintero, Savannah Paige Rae, Charlotte Rampling, Anne Ramsay, David Ramsey, K.C. Ramsey, Roger Ranney, Damian Toofeek Raven, Hannah Reed, Aaron Refvem, James Remar, Shanelle Renet, Scott Reynolds, Brett Rickaby, Roger Rignack, Steven Ritzi, Geoffrey Rivas, Bunnie Rivera, Kiya Roberts, Kim Robillard, Bryce Robinson, Christina Robinson, Catalina Rodriguez, Maximus Rodriguez, Jason Rogel, Terricka Rogers, Ron Rogge, Ashley Rose, Charlene Rose, Jason Ross-Azikiwe, Mylinda Royer, Roy Rutland, Marty Ryan, MJ Ryers, Sharon Sachs, Gilbert Saldivar, Gabriel Salvador, Kelly Sarah Samuels, Gabby Sanalitro, Monica Sanchez, Julian Sands, Sophia Santi, Ray Santiago, Walter Sawall, Raphael Sbarge, Mary Scanlon, Tom Schanley, Alex Schemmer, Maite Schwartz, Brian Scolaro, Judith Scott, Albie Selznick, Nestor Serrano, Eric Shackelford, Erica Shaffer, Sheila Shaw, Licia L. Shearer, W. Morgan Sheppard, Tasia Sherel, Claude Shires, Jennifer Shon, Jake Short, Jamie Silberhartz, Cassie Silva, Nicholas Simmons, Jena Sims, Darryl Sivad, Marissa Skell, Stewart Skelton, Jera Sky, Brandon Slagle, Brittany Slattery, Jarrett Sleeper, Christie Lynn Smith, Ethan S. Smith, Patrick Robert Smith, Ryan Smith, Jimmy Smits, Yolanda Snowball, Laura Soares, Joseph Julian Soria, Pablo Soriano, Christopher Sowers, Frank Spatacco, Cecelia Specht, Jordana Spiro, Monika Spruch, Rebecca Staab, Steve Stapenhorst, Jimmy Star, J.R. Starr, Joi Staton, Ray Stevenson, Julia Stiles, Bentley Stingley, Hannah Victoria Stock, Shannon Elizabeth Stone, Winston Story, Yvonne Strahovski, Ezequiel Stremiz, Manny Suarez, Larry Sullivan, Krista Swan, Symba, Allysa Tacher, Barbara Tarbuck, Joseph Lyle Taylor, Annie Tedesco, Frank Tedesco, Michael A. Templeton, Amanda Tepe, Harrison Thacher, Stacie Theon, Kevin Thompson, Preston Thompson, Rodney Eugene Thompson Jr, Jeanne Tidwell, Alistair Tober, Elizabeth Tobias, Chad Todhunter, L.T. Tolliver, George Tovar, Hannah Townsend, Saxon Trainor, Sam Trammell, Joseph Trapanese, Wil Traval, Daniel Travis, Ciel Turich, Donnell Turner, Ben Turner Dixon, Timothy T. Tyler, Sam Underwood, Tai Urban, Daya Vaidya, Luis Valentin, Luke Van Pelt, Chris Vance, Oliver Vaquer, Danielle Vasinova, David Vegh, Lauren Velez, Julia Vera, Victoria Vertuga, Francisco Viana, Al Vicente, Nicholas Vigneau, Enzo Villaparedes, Chelsea Vincent, Dion B. Vines, Lou Volpe, Randa Walker, Mary Chris Wall, Stephanie Y. Wang, Jared Farid Ward, Scott Ward, Julie Warner, Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Vernee Watson Johnson, Dig Wayne, Marc Wayne, Gary J. Wayton, Christopher Weir, Silas Weir Mitchell, Joel Weiss, Bruce Weitz, Peter Weller, Jadon Wells, Wendy Wells-Gunkel, Alex Wexo, Suzanne Whang, Sewell Whitney, Dan Wickline, Alex Rose Wiesel, Ian Patrick Williams, Imani T. Williams, Jason Williams, JoBeth Williams, Mark Anthony Williams, Raymond T. Williams, Matthew Willig, Cherilyn Wilson, Dana L. Wilson, Kasey Wilson, Travis Winfrey, Josh Wingate, Katia Winter, Scott William Winters, Sam Witwer, Gabreon Womack, Terry Woodberry, Amanda Wyss, Salvator Xuereb, Kim Yarbrough, Tamir Yardenne, Jerry Ying, Mark L. Young, Tawny Amber Young, Evan E. Yu, Mario Z, Ruth Zalduondo, Maria Zambrana, Jerry Zatarain Jr, David Zayas, Jose Zuniga, Maria Zyrianova

96 episodes
(TV-MA - strong language, adult themes, adult situations, violence, gore, disturbing images)

He's smart, he's good looking, and he's got a great sense of humor. He's Dexter Morgan, everyone's favorite serial killer. As a Miami forensics expert, he spends his days solving crimes, and nights committing them. But Dexter lives by a strict code of honor that is both his saving grace and lifelong burden. Torn between his deadly compulsion and his desire for true happiness, Dexter is a man in profound conflict with the world and himself.

season 1 - 
Dexter's world is rocked when a rival serial murderer, dubbed the Ice Truck Killer by the media, privately contacts him and reveals that he knows Dexter's grisly secret. Meanwhile, Dexter's sister Debra is transferred to Homicide. Dexter and Debra try to dissuade their boss from pursuing a security guard they believe he has wrongly identified as the Ice Truck Killer; Dexter's girlfriend receives an unwelcome visit from an associate of her imprisoned husband. The Ice Truck Killer begins leaving body parts from his victims at sites that relate to memories from Dexter's childhood, forcing him to confront his dark personal history. The Homicide Division is buzzing after the Ice Truck Killer's latest victim is found mutilated but alive, while Dexter gets in over his head when he stalks a murderous human trafficker. The Ice Truck Killer leaves Dexter a surprise at the scene of one of Dexter's recent kills, placing him firmly in the cross hairs of his own Homicide Division colleagues. The Ice Truck Killer is finally identified, but something about the suspect doesn't sit right with Dexter, who must also deal with the menacing return of Rita's paroled ex-husband. The strange suicide of a powerful woman leads Dexter to suspect her shrink of murder, but he gets a shock when a visit to the suspect opens up dark secrets from Dexter's past. Dexter is joined by Rita, Debra and Rudy for a weekend away when he learns that his biological father, whom he was told died thirty years ago, has just recently passed away and left him everything he owned, including his house. The Ice Truck Killer leaves Dexter the most horrifying crime scene imaginable, forcing him to confront a horrific suppressed memory from his past; Rita must hire a lawyer when her ex sues for sole custody of their children. The Ice Truck Killer kidnaps someone close to Dexter, forcing him into a trap that will forever change his life, while Doakes begins to harbor suspicions about Dexter's odd behavior. Dexter follows the clues left for him by the Ice Truck Killer in an effort to rescue his kidnapped loved one, while Rita's ex tries to convince her that Dexter is too dangerous to be around their children. 

season 2 - 
Dexter finds himself unable to kill again after the harrowing conclusion to the Ice Truck Killer case, and strays from his personal code with disastrous results; Debra returns to work but may not be ready. Dexter remains on the trail of a dangerous new victim, while the traumatized Debra loses control on the job and a high-profile FBI agent arrives in Miami to investigate a newly discovered serial killer. Dexter's inability to deceive has him pursuing a slick liar as his next victim, while Rita believes he's concealing a drug problem and forces him into a 12-step program where he meets Lila, a seductive new woman. Rita finds herself threatened by Dexter's sexy new NA sponsor Lila, and stressed by a visit from her estranged mother, while Dexter tries to throw the dogged FBI Agent Lundy off his bloody trail. Dexter discovers that the man is still alive who murdered his mother in front of him as a boy, and confronts the killer as part of his recovery from addiction - but he also discovers that old impulses die hard. A new copycat killer openly mimics and claims to be inspired by the "Bay Harbor Butcher," driving the annoyed Dexter into the arms of Lila, a development that could spell the end of his relationship with Rita. A written manifesto from the "Bay Harbor Butcher" sends the task force in charge of capturing him into chaos, which is part of Dexter's plan for keeping Lundy off his trail. Dexter decides that Lila is becoming too attached, decides "recovery" isn't working for him, and pays another visit to his mother's killer; Debra and Lundy find a clue that points to the "Bay Harbor Butcher" being right under their noses. Dexter tries to distance himself from Lila, but discovers she is unwilling to let go of their relationship; Lundy's manhunt makes Dexter nervous as he tries to stay one step ahead - but it's Dexter's worst enemy that learns his secret. Dexter's world comes crumbling down when Doakes tracks him to the scene of his latest kill and reveals a devastating secret about Harry; the Miami Metro PD closes in on the "Bay Harbor Butcher." Dexter dodges bullets both figurative and real as he is forced to decide the fates of those he cares about most; Lila attempts to blackmail Dexter and makes a startling discovery.  Lundy and the FBI finally settle the case of the Bay Harbor Butcher, but the heat's not entirely off Dexter as his world literally becomes an inferno. Can he rise from the ashes once again? 

season 3 - 
Dexter's life seems to be smoothly back on track, until he targets a dope dealer who's also in the sights of Assistant D.A. Miguel Prado; Internal Affairs pressures Debra to rat on her new partner. Every cop in Miami is tasked with finding the fugitive Freebo, who is accused of killing the younger brother of Assistant D.A. Miguel Prado; Dexter and Rita move closer to making a big decision about their family. Dexter encounters a fellow predator - but this one is a pedophile; a murder is pinned on Freebo but Dexter knows the truth; Dexter struggles with the fact of his growing friendship with Miguel. Dexter scrambles to convince Rita that his marriage proposal is sincere and romantic; Miguel's vengeful brother Ramon searches desperately for their sibling's murderer, who was secretly killed by Dexter. Dexter hears the story of a husband who has gotten away with murdering two wives for financial gain and tracks the man to Bimini, but Rita has a medical emergency while Dexter has disappeared. Dexter tests Miguel to determine if his friend has discovered his secret, while Rita loses her job and wonders if she's meant to ever have a successful career. Dexter begins working with Miguel but they quickly have differences in selecting a potential new victim; Rita discovers that Miguel's wife suspects him of an affair; an old friend of Dexter's asks for help in ending her life. Dexter undertakes to teach Miguel the Code, but doesn't realize he's whetting his partner's thirst for blood; Debra is one step closer to finding the Skinner but a secret revealed about Anton sends him packing. Dexter and Miguel's friendship becomes strained even as Rita revolves to confront Miguel about his suspected infidelity; Debra searches furiously for Anton when it's revealed that he was abducted by the Skinner. A series of chess-like moves ensues when Dexter and Miguel vie for the upper hand, with Miguel winning Rita's affection by presenting her with a lavish wedding gift; Debra wonders if her relationship with Anton is worth it. Dexter must find a way to get rid of Miguel despite the fact that his friend is a district attorney (and Dexter's best man); Rita discovers that Miguel has been seeing an old flame; Debra finds a new clue to the Skinner's identity. Dexter attempts to calm the unstable Ramon now that Miguel is out of the picture; Debra is about to receive her detective's shield but is blind-sided with information that could derail her promotion. 

season 4 - 
Dexter sleeplessly struggles to balance his new family life with his dark, murderous drive for a fresh victim, and his busier-than-ever forensic career pursuing a new target, "The Trinity Killer." Dexter realizes that he has carelessly misplaced crucial evidence that could expose his dark side to the world, while helping to investigate new slayings that Agent Lundy insists are the work of Trinity. Dexter is hampered by his neighborhood's increased vigilance due to vandalism, his temporary inability to drive himself anywhere, and his admiration for the killing technique of the artful Trinity Killer. Dexter gets some much-needed R&R time with Rita and the kids out of town, leading to his stalking of a new victim - until he unexpectedly begins to empathize with his target, a cop that murdered her family. Dexter is inspired to investigate the Trinity Killer on his own, while Debra blames herself for an event that was out of her control, and Rita realizes how little she knows her husband after discovering one of his secrets. Dexter doubles his efforts to stay ahead of the official Trinity investigation, and receives relationship advice about the friction between himself and Rita from a most unexpected source. Dexter finally strikes a balance between family, career and his secret life, but is thwarted in his pursuit of his next victim, while Debra expresses a renewed and unwelcome interest in their father's checkered past. Dexter wonders if his father's Code is truly the right path, and hopes to get answers by accompanying Trinity on an out-of-town road trip, while Debra discovers that her single-minded pursuit of Trinity has blinded her to the truth. Dexter learns more about Arthur's bizarre and twisted world, while Rita has her hands full preparing Thanksgiving dinner for a full house, Debra uses the holiday to further investigate Trinity, and Batista gets closure on an old case. The disappearance of a ten-year-old boy forces Dexter to question his assumptions about Trinity, while Cody defends one of Dexter's lies and Masuka is unable to face what he witnessed on Thanksgiving. Dexter must buy time to protect himself when Debra's investigation brings the department one step away from identifying Arthur as the Trinity Killer; Rita confides in Dexter, but is disappointed in the result. Dexter and Arthur find themselves on a collision course, as Debra unearths a shocking long-hidden truth, Rita admits her marriage to Dexter is troubled, and Batista and LaGuerta face the consequences of an ethics breach. 

season 5 - 
Dexter reels from Rita's murder while Quinn stirs up trouble by suggesting that Rita's death doesn't fit Trinity's profile. Dexter fights his dark urges, but a shocking discovery puts him on the trail of a new victim; Debra hosts her brother and his children but finds herself squeezed out of her own place. In an effort to create more free time to stalk and kill victims, Dexter hires a nanny; Debra is annoyed by her new rookie partner; Quinn pursues the theory that Trinity did not kill Rita. Dexter has to save a life instead of taking one; Deb has a scary confrontation with a key suspect in the Santa Muerte murder cases; Quinn continues following up on the strange similarities between 'Kyle Butler' and Dexter Morgan. When Dexter is saddled with an unwanted conspirator, he is forced to make some hard decisions about her fate; Dexter wonders if Rita's death has awakened a darkness inside Harrison; Quinn enlists an old friend to look into Dexter. Trying to get his life back on track, Dexter hunts a new target, but is distracted and drawn into a precarious situation while helping his troubled acquaintance; Batista discovers an interesting lead in the Santa Muerte murder cases. While helping Lumen, Dexter finds himself on a collision course with Homicide when he is called to investigate a horrifying crime scene; the Santa Muerte case leads to a violent standoff between Debra and the killers. While attending a self-help seminar, Dexter and Lumen stalk a violent killer; Debra gets into unexpected trouble from the fallout of the Santa Muerte case, forcing Batista to make a difficult decision. In the midst of hunting their next victim, Dexter and Lumen are surprised by the return of an unannounced guest; Debra is assigned to the file room, but manages to uncover new evidence in the Barrel Girl case. Dexter discovers a possible ally in the pursuit of Lumen's former captors, but he and Lumen are forced to step down when homicide uncovers evidence linked to one of their prior victims. Dexter is forced to do damage control after he concedes that someone outside of Miami Metro has taken an interest in him and Lumen. Dexter realizes that he and Lumen are being lured into a trap and risks everything to escape; Quinn needs help that only Dexter can provide. 

season 6 - 
Dexter attends his high school reunion to hunt a former Prom King; an investigation into a faith-based murder causes Dexter to ask some spiritual questions; Debra becomes an unexpected hero. To solve a macabre murder, Homicide consults Brother Sam, a minister whom Dexter recognizes as a fellow killer with an even better cover than his own; now a local hero, Debra is surprised by two life-changing proposals. Dexter is confronted with a glimpse of his own possible future when a serial killer from his past reappears; Debra is uncomfortable in her new job; Travis and Gellar prepare a new twisted tableau. Disturbing events cause Dexter to lean on Brother Sam during a crisis of faith, while Debra gives her first press conference on the new religiously motivated serial killer. The search for the Doomsday Killers takes Dexter in a new direction; Batista and Quinn pay a visit to the university where Professor Gellar taught; due to departmental regulations following the shooting, Debra is forced to begin therapy. Dexter becomes caught up in a very personal case that awakens the needs of his Dark Passenger; Debra feels overwhelmed by her new duties, and discovers a disturbing secret about Quinn. Dexter teams up with a fellow Dark Passenger when he takes a road trip to Nebraska; Debra deals with the complications of her promotion as she leads the Doomsday investigation. Dexter uses lessons he learned from Brother Sam to follow up on some new Doomsday leads; Debra butts heads with LaGuerta over the case of a dead call girl. Dexter receives help from an unexpected source while hunting the Doomsday Killers; Debra makes a self-discovery in therapy. Dexter tries to figure out the Doomsday Killers' next victim; Debra has a strong reaction to a crime scene, leading her to realize that she leans too heavily on her brother. Dexter finds that in order to catch the Doomsday Killers, he must create a macabre tableau of his own; Debra's battle with LaGuerta boils over, and her therapist makes an unnerving suggestion. Dexter and Homicide race a solar eclipse to catch the Doomsday Killers before their final gruesome act; Debra struggles with a new emotional reality. 

season 7 - 
After witnessing her brother kill, Debra attempts to reconcile with Dexter while struggling to cover up their involvement with the murder. When a local convict claims he has new information regarding a 15-year-old crime spree, Miami Metro sets out to unearth new evidence on the case. Debra attempts to cure Dexter of his killer tendencies. Dexter tries to bring Debra on board with his new target. LaGuerta, convinced the Bay Harbor Butcher is still out there, attempts to enlist Batista to help her re-open the case. After capturing a deadly killer, things go awry for Miami Metro, sending Debra into a tailspin. In an effort to help his sister, Dexter enters into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, while the Ukrainian mob continues to seek revenge. Trying to uncover why someone was killed on his boat, Dexter must out-maneuver a vengeful Isaak. New leads are brought to light on the Wayne Randall case by Hannah McKay, Randall's alluring former accomplice Dexter discovers has a secret. Debra gets to know a local crime writer who's dug up some incriminating dirt on Hannah McKay - Dexter's newest obsession. Quinn gets an offer he tries to refuse and LaGuerta keeps digging into the Bay Harbor Butcher case. Things heat up as Dexter and Hannah grow closer, but when Sal Price discovers the two are involved, he wants the exclusive story. Quinn falls back into his old ways as he makes some questionable choices to protect Nadia. Dexter tries to keep Debra in the dark about his relationship with Hannah, but a surprise visit from Astor, Cody and Harrison throws a wrench into his plans. Fresh out of jail, Isaak renews his pursuit of Dexter. Dexter, preoccupied with Isaak, gains an advantage thanks to an internal struggle within the Koshka brotherhood. Miami Metro is on the hunt for an arsonist and Dexter goes to great lengths to protect his relationship with Hannah. Surprise visit from Hannah's father puts Dexter on alert. Phantom Arsonist's crimes become more gruesome. Defending Nadia's honor forces Quinn into a dangerous situation. LaGuerta brings Matthews to help with the Bay Harbor Butcher case. As Christmas approaches, Dexter tries to balance his life with Hannah and his relationship with Debra. Dexter learns the man responsible for ordering his mother's death has been released from jail. As LaGuerta closes in on Dexter's secret, Dexter struggles to protect himself, Debra and the life he's built. 

season 8 - 
Six months after LaGuerta's death, Dexter is still managing life as a dad, brother and serial killer. Meanwhile, Miami Metro investigates the murder of a man who's had pieces of his brain removed. Miami Metro continues their hunt for the Brain Surgeon, while Dr. Vogel enlists Dexter's help. While on a case, Debra has to take matters into her own hands. Dexter continues his manhunt for the Brain Surgeon. Dr. Vogel tries to prove to Dexter that he's perfect as a psychopath. Debra's PTSD kicks in and she makes a desperate plea. Dexter tracks down another potential serial killer from Dr. Vogel's list. Quinn celebrates passing the sergeant's exam by defending Debra's honor in a fight. Dr. Vogel begins treating Debra for her PTSD. Dr. Vogel comes into contact with the Brain Surgeon, while Dexter and Debra try to keep her safe. Masuka finds out he has a daughter. Dexter monitors a young psychopath to see if he meets the criteria of the code. Dexter and Debra finally get back to normal, but are surprised when someone from Dexter's past pays them a visit. Dexter hunts down Hannah to figure out why she's back in Miami. Dexter takes on a protégé and starts teaching him the code. Dexter tracks down Zach, concerned that he may have murdered an innocent person. Meanwhile, Dexter tries to help Hannah escape the country. Dexter investigates a murder that hits close to home. Dr. Vogel gets the surprise of a lifetime when someone returns from her past. With Dr. Vogel's help, Dexter tries to lure the Brain Surgeon into a trap so he can get him on his table. Dexter witnesses a murder. Dexter is torn between fleeing the country with Hannah and Harrison or taking Saxon out for good. Dexter's inaction results in a grisly and unexpected consequence. Dexter is faced with impossible odds as a brewing hurricane makes its way towards Miami. 

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